Showing posts with label Common Mistakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Common Mistakes. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Common Mistakes

1) Noun: experience
✗ I know several people who have made the same experience.
✓ I know several people who have had the same experience.

2) Noun: friend
✗ I found it difficult to find friends and felt very lonely.
✓ I found it difficult to make friends and felt very lonely.

3) Noun: research
✗ It is impossible to make any research without the Internet.
✓ It is impossible to do any research without the Internet.

4) Noun: work
✗ Francesca makes her work very efficiently.
✓ Francesca does her work very efficiently.

5) Noun: mistake
✗ People often do the same mistakes.
✓ People often make the same mistakes.

6) Noun: survey
✗ I made a survey of the level of job satisfaction in our department.
✓ I carried out/did a survey of the level of job satisfaction in our department.

7) Noun: effort
✗ It is worth doing an effort to live a healthier life.
✓ It is worth making an effort to live a healthier life.

8) Noun: child/children/baby
✗ They married young, got two children, and led an ordinary life.
✓ They married young, had two children, and led an ordinary life.

9) Noun: business
✗ I spent two days in the office making business by phone.
✓ I spent two days in the office conducting/doing business by phone.

10) Noun: change
✗ They suggested doing some changes to the schedule.
✓ They suggested making some changes to the schedule.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Say X Tell

Os verbos say e tell, embora praticamente sinônimos no significado (transmitir informação), gramaticalmente são diferentes. Ambos podem ser traduzidos em português pelos verbos dizer e falar, sendo que tell pode ser também traduzido por contar. A diferença reside no fato de que com o verbo say, normalmente não há na frase um receptor da mensagem (objeto indireto); enquanto que com o verbo tell o receptor da mensagem está normalmente presente na frase. 

He said that inflation will decrease. - Ele disse que a inflação vai diminuir. 
He told the reporters that inflation will decrease. - Ele disse aos jornalistas que a inflação vai diminuir. 
What did he say when you told him this? - O que é que ele disse quando você contou isto a ele?

Entretanto, quando se reproduz textualmente as palavras do emissor da mensagem, o verbo a ser usado deve ser sempre say, mesmo que o receptor da mensagem esteja presente na frase. 

He said "Good morning" to us. - Ele disse "Bom dia" para nós.

Make X Do

MAKE e DO são freqüentemente sinônimos no significado, mas não no uso. Isto é, na expressão em que ocorre um, não se usa o outro. O significado que esses verbos assumem depende da expressão em que ocorrem. Cada uma dessas expressões devem ser consideradas como uma unidade de vocabulário, como uma nova palavra a ser assimilada.

make an agreement - fazer um acordo
make an announcement (to) - fazer uma comunicação oficial
make an appointment (with) - marcar uma hora
make arrangements (for) - fazer preparos
make an attempt (to) - fazer uma tentativa
make it back - retornar ao ponto de partida
make the bed - fazer a cama
make believe - fazer de conta
make breakfast - preparar o café da manhã
make a choice - fazer uma escolha
make a clean copy - passar a limpo
make it clear (to) - deixar claro
make a complaint (about) - apresentar queixa, reclamar
make a date (with) - marcar um encontro
make a deal (with) - fazer um negócio, negociar
make a decision (about) - decidir, tomar uma decisão
make a (any, no) difference (to) - fazer diferença
make do with - contentar-se com o que tem
make a down payment - dar de entrada, dar um sinal
make an effort (to) - fazer um esforço
make an excuse (for) - arranjar uma desculpa
make a face (at) - fazer careta
make a fool of someone - fazer alguém de bobo
make for - dirigir-se a
make friends (with) - fazer amizade
make fun of - ridicularizar
make a fuss (about, over something) - dar muita atenção
make a fuss (over someone) - dar atenção afetuosa, mimar
make good - cumprir com o prometido
make a good/bad impression (on) - causar boa/má impressão
make someone happy - fazer ficar feliz, deixar feliz
make an investment - investir, fazer um investimento
make a list (of ) - fazer uma lista
make a living - ganhar a vida
make love (to) - manter relações sexuais
make mistakes (in) - cometer erros
make money - ganhar dinheiro
make the most of (something) - aproveitar ao máximro
make someone nervous - deixar alguém nervoso
make noise - fazer barulho
make an observation - fazer uma observação
make an offer - fazer uma oferta
make out - entender o significado;
make out - beijar, namorar
make a payment - fazer um pagamento, pagar uma conta
make peace - fazer as pazes
make a phone call (to) - telefonar, dar um telefonema
make plans - fazer planos
make a point - fazer uma observação, apresentar um ponto de vista
make a point of (doing something) - não deixar de, fazer questão de
make a presentation - fazer uma apresentação
make a profit - lucrar, ter lucro
make progress (in) - progredir
make a promise (to) - fazer uma promessa, prometer
make public - divulgar
make a reservation (for) - fazer uma reserva
make a resolution - fazer uma promessa, tomar uma decisão importante
make a scene - fazer uma cena, agir histericamente
make sense (to) - fazer sentido
make something of (oneself) - tornar-se alguém
make a speech (to) - fazer um discurso
make sure (about) - certificar-se
make trouble - criar problemas ou confusão
make up - inventar, improvisar, compensar, maquiar, reconciliar
make up your mind - tomar uma decisão
make use of - utilizar
make war - guerrear, entrar em guerra
make way - abrir caminho, dar passagem, progredir
make yourself at home - sinta-se à vontade


do the (my, your, ...) best (to) - fazer o melhor possível
do business (with) - trabalhar em negócios com
do the cleaning (for) - fazer limpeza
do damage/harm (to) - prejudicar, ferir
do a deal ("it's a done deal") - negócio fechado
do some dictation - fazer um ditado
do the dishes - lavar a louça
do drugs - usar drogas
do your duty - cumprir com suas tarefas
do an exercise - fazer um exercício
do an experiment - fazer uma experiência
do a favor (for) - fazer um favor
do good - fazer bem
do a good/bad job - fazer um bom trabalho
do your hair - fazer (arrumar) o cabelo
do harm (to someone) - prejudicar ou machucar alguém
do your homework - fazer o seu tema
do the housework - fazer os trabalhos domésticos
do the laundry - lavar a roupa
do your nails - fazer as unhas
do an operation (on) - operar
do (something) over again - fazer de novo
do overtime - fazer hora extra
do a poll - fazer uma pesquisa (de opinião)
do a problem - resolver um problema em matemática
do a puzzle - fazer um quebra-cabeça
do a project - fazer (desenvolver) um projeto
do research (on) - pesquisar, fazer uma pesquisa
do the right thing - ter uma atitude correta
do the shopping - fazer compras
do someone - transar, ter relações sexuais com alguém
do something - fazer algo
do time in prison - cumprir pena carcerária
do a translation - fazer uma tradução
do well/badly (in) - sair-se bem/mal
to be done - estar pronto
to have nothing to do with ... - não ter nada a ver com ...
to have your hair done - arrumar o cabelo
that will do it - isto será suficiente

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Common Mistakes - Advice or advise?

Veja a diferença entre advice /ədˈvaɪs/ (conselho; recomendação) e advise /ədˈvaɪz/ (aconselhar; recomendar)

My advice is to forget all about it.
(noun = recommendation)

I asked my lawyer for his advise. (Incorrect)
I asked my lawyer for his advice. (Correct)

It is full of good advices on healthy eating. (Incorrect)
It is full of good advice on healthy eating. (Correct)

Advice is an uncountable noun: 'I could do with some advice.'
She gave me a good advice. (Incorrect)
She gave me some good advice. (Correct) 

Compare: 'She gave me a good piece of advice.'
a piece of advice is countable.

What would you advise me to do?
(verb = recommend)

I adviced him to tell the police. (Incorrect)
I advised him to tell the police. (Correct)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

10 Common Mistakes with Verb + Noun

This list shows you the ten mistakes that advanced students most often make when they choose a verb to go with a noun. In most cases it is clear what the student means, but the problem is that the combination of verb +noun that they have used is not a collocation, does not sound natural, and is considered to be incorrect. In each case, a more natural verb + noun combination with the same meaning is shown under the incorrect combination.

1) Noun: experience
I know several people who have made the same experience.
I know several people who have had the same experience.
2) Noun: friend
I found it difficult to find friends and felt very lonely.
I found it difficult to make friends and felt very lonely.
3) Noun: research
It is impossible to make any research without the Internet.
It is impossible to do any research without the Internet.
4) Noun: work
Francesca makes her work very efficiently.
Francesca does her work very efficiently.
5) Noun: mistake
People often do the same mistakes.
People often make the same mistakes.
6) Noun: survey
I made a survey of the level of job satisfaction in our department.
I carried out/did a survey of the level of job satisfaction in our department.
7) Noun: effort
It is worth doing an effort to live a healthier life.
It is worth making an effort to live a healthier life.
8) Noun: child/children/baby
They married young, got two children, and led an ordinary life.
They married young, had two children, and led an ordinary life.
9) Noun: business
I spent two days in the office making business by phone.
I spent two days in the office conducting/doing business by phone.
10) Noun: change
They suggested doing some changes to the schedule.
They suggested making some changes to the schedule.

Source: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Common Spelling Mistakes in English

Correct spellingCommon Spelling Mistakes
acheake, ach, ace
accommodationacomodation, acommodation etc.
acquireadquire, aquire
amateuramatuer, amature
bizarrebizare, bizzarre, bizzare
basicallybasicly, basicaly
cemeterycematary, cematery, cemitery etc
chorus corus, chours, chores, course
challengechalange, chalenge, challange
circumstancecercomstance, circomstance etc
condemncondem, condemm
definitelydefinately, definetly, definitly
destroydestoy, destory
diarrheadiarea, diahrea, diareah, diarreah
disappointeddisapointed, dissapointed etc
embarrassembaras, embarass, embarras
entrepreneurentrepeneur, enterpreneur
exaggerateexagerate, exagerrate
grammargrammer, gramer, gramar, gramor
gratefulgreatful, greatefull, gratefull
immediatelyimmediatly, imediatly, imediately
maneuvermanuever, manouver
miscellaneousmiscelaneous, miscellanious etc
misspellmispell, misspel
necessaryneccesary, necesary, neccessary
noticeablenoticible, noticable
occurrenceoccurance, ocurrence, ocurrance
onomatopoeiaonomatopoeia, onomatopea
opaqueopeque, opaique
pneumaticpneumatik, pneumetic, pnumatic
privilegeprivelege, priviledge, privilage
psychologysychology, psycology
recommendrecomend, reccomend, reccommend
rhythmrhythem, rythim, rythem, rhythm etc
subpoenasepina, supena
synonymoussynonimous, synonomous
WednesdayWendsay, Wensday
source:English Forums